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Mida creek watamu

Mida creek watamu

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Mida Creek is one of Watamu true hidden treasures .It is a broadwater tidal creek surrounded by extensive mangroves and lined with palms stretching inland from the sea into Arabuko Sokoke Forest.There are 7 types of mangrove forests inside the creek and one can differentiate them by looking at their leaves ,seeds and fruits .

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Lake Elementaita Sanctuary

Lake Elementaita Sanctuary

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  The sanctuary is a birds haven. It is an IBA, a Ramsar site and a World Heritage Site. The sanctuary have some hot water springs. It is accessible through two gates namely Pelican Gate along the Nairobi – Nakuru Highway and Maji Moto Gate along Kikopey – Elementaita Road. #magicalkenya #amazingkenya #tembeakenya